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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why I have Hope

ALL I CAN DO IS SMILE.....i find it humbling and amazing to realize the transition we have made as a society simply in my short life span and it gives me great hope that the measure of our forward progression will be done not by an astonishingly progressive man, but by the people whom elected this man as they realize the SIGNIFICANCE of mentally breaking down the color barrier. As it settles in upon the rest of us what a monumental achievement has truly occurred we will recognize the scale of our pushing thru this hurdle---not around or over it but thru it----and how we as a nation and as the supposed leaders of western culture choose NOW to go forward.

Much as with the felling of the Berlin Wall during my childhood, the purest and most vast effects of this decision will slowly trickle down----much as regan-omics did----to the base mores of our culture. It will be sometime after Mr. Obama has shown the passion and deliberance that, in my opinion, won him the hearts of our nation and in effect the election----it will be after he shows his true depth that we will let it sink in that this was a wise and positive decision for us as a people.

I sit squarely at the juxtaposition of the GenX/GenY crossover. As a child i saw the intro of the Tandy Personal Color Computer and Nintendo --- along with a huge incidence of racial slurs and epithets in my own household. I watched the WALL fall and I saw Rodney King get beaten on video. I have witnessed the cultural coming of age that is/are my generation(s). It has been at times lethargic and poignant. I am currently watching---with much enthusiasm as well as apprehension---as the old guard is being shown the door in our federal legislative branch and younger, more progressive, and more tolerant individuals---at least in appearance---are being added to the roles of our elected law-making body. I am witnessing the changeover that hopes to be more open-minded, more culturally aware, and more socially and world conscious. I, unlike many of the pundits who "punditize"(the quotes are for you La...of course i had to use one made up word) the current generations involved in politics, am a supreme optimist. I know everyday when i get up that my peers will go forward and that we are moving ahead --- in medicine, technology, education, although education has a cuirve that is much too financially based --- and that at the end of the day we are better.

The current crisis is nothing more than a blip on the radar. Things have been due for a serious correction for many months now, and everyone from top analysts to college Econ. profs and there student body could read the signs. It has been clear to even the laymen who chooses to look beneath the MSNBC propaganda.And this too we will clear as a hurdle. The message my friends is that it will be ok. We are moving forward and despite the disaster that has been the bush administration, we will use it as a learning experience to grow.

I love you all.

Take this hope with you every day.

Namaste and blessings
